Archive for October, 2013



Tips for remodelling your home


When you are thinking about re-modelling your home, a million things are probably whirling through your mind. There is so much that you need to think about, so many decisions that you need to make! To make your life a little bit easier, here are two top tips to remodelling your home that you simply cannot live without:

1. Hire a contractor carefully. Having a complete stranger in your home can be slightly unnerving, and when they are also altering your home to be that perfect way that you want it, you need to make sure that you trust them to do a good job, safely, and to your budget. When meeting with contractors, be open with them about your financial limits, and ask them how long they think your project will take. Starting with openness and honesty will only lead to a relationship where nothing is hidden.

2. Go wild with your colour choices. There is absolutely nothing stopping you from going mad with the colours that you are going to have! That does not mean that you have to have blue and orange side by side, but you also do not need to depend on calm magnolia to cover every wall and ceiling. Experiment with one colour in your kitchen, or two complementary colours that really highlight your favourite features in the room.

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